North America Printed Books

Choose Your Book Teacher's Guide Pre-Reader Early Reader Early Elementary Upper Elementary Middle School High School

Explore North America like you never have before! Another book in our Connecting Continents series, students will explore features, food, amazing facts, animals, and so much more as they tour Canada, the United States, AND some of the other amazing countries that call this continent home!

Our "writing project" for this unit is an oral presentation. Younger students have some visuals to cut out in the appendix while older students are learning about making an outline, proving their point, and articulating their opinion/information. Grammar focus for younger students is verb tenses while older ones focus on proper hyphen usage.

Did you know our connecting continents units have a bonus 6th page for middle and high? To make the content even richer, most of the units in this series ALSO have a World War page focusing on what was happening in that country during one of the World Wars. Context, connections, deep discussions, and a whole lot of fun, this is an excellent unit to add to your list, PLUS come and cook your way through North America, the poutines are waiting for you!

What to buy? You will need to purchase a physical workbook for each child as well as a Teacher's Guide for yourself. The Teacher's Guides contain all the actual teaching, they are not just for answers, so they are critical to your lessons. Printed books are printed on 32lb. paper and are shipped to you coil bound.

How long are units designed to last? Each unit is designed to be 4-5 weeks. Our main units and most of our mini units include 20 lessons and can be done as a 4-day school week (lasting 5 weeks) or a 5-day school week (lasting 4 weeks) to offer flexibility. You're in control! Set a schedule that works best for your family and your pace will dictate how quickly you complete any given unit.