78 pages, plus 11 pages of ads and memoranda blanks. 21 wood engravings "illustrated by Farrow and Jackson, Limited, London, Manufacturers of Bar Appliances, Mineral Water Machinery, &c." Gilt-lettered dark blue cloth. First Berridge Edition. London: George Berridge and Co, [1916].
Four pages of manuscript cocktail and punch recipes in rear. Illustrations are of cocktail-making implements, as well as ads for machinery manufactured by Farrow & Jackson. Includes punches, stock drinks, hot drinks, soft drinks, long drinks, short drinks, and temperance drinks. Naturally, there are wonderfully-named American drinks like "Bosom Caresser," "Boston Flip," "Stars and Stripes," "Rocky Mountain Punch," "A South Coast Cocktail," "Hot American Punch," etc. Front free endpaper lacking, minor chip to spine head, else very good and quite rare.